Monday, August 24, 2009

Starting the Week with Fresh Figs

A neighbor just shared some fresh figs and I'm so excited. They need a day to ripen so for tonight I'll just consider how to eat them. Of course, just plain is always good, but I think I'll try a recipe I saw a few months ago that pairs sliced figs with gingered marscapone - does that sound yummy or what? I'll report back on the exact yumminess factor.

And tomorrow we'll be chatting about dining etiquette - the topic people ask about most . . .


  1. We have (sigh) four very large, old fig trees and far too many figs. I finally figured out that if people with too much zucchini make zucchini bread, then people with too many figs should make fig bread. So, I modified a zucchini bread recipe and then tinkered with it for a long time (it seemed to want chocolate and pecans.) It uses lots of figs and it freezes well.

  2. Did you try the marscapone recipe? If it was good I'd love to try it. These are the same figs that we have. I use them to make fig bread as well as in salads and salad dressings. I'd like tuck the recipe away for next season.


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