Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Ultimate Recycling Project - Cagey Trees!

What do you get when you add

to an empty

? A tomato cage tree, of course!

Up close you can see the rings of the tomato cage, but from even a few feet away it's just a magical, glowing tree. Actually I should say trees because I made two of these - one for each side of our front steps. During the day they sparkle in the sun - the little snowflakes are holographic and really catch the light. There's not a photo of the trees in bright sunlight because: 1) the sun's barely been seen here the last few weeks, and 2) the trees are too shiny in full sunlight - it's like trying to photograph Liberace's mirrored Rolls Royce! The photo below shows it on an overcast day - the little snowflakes really raise the shininess level.

If you're looking for a quick decoration - try making your own tomato cage tree. I used two 100-light strings (one all green and one multi-colored) and two 12-ft tinsel garlands (from Home Depot) for each tree and the tomato cages have been used for several years in the garden.

Happy Tuesday!


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